Learning Consultants

Our Learning Consultants will partner with you to help understand and support your gifted child.

Providing free educational consulting to Cresconova parents is a part of our non-profit mission in supporting students and their families.

Parenting is tough. Parenting a gifted child can have added challenges in understanding their asynchrony, working as an advocate to make sure their needs are met, and feeling isolated in sharing these struggles outside of the gifted community. We are here to help.

Sign-up for a FREE consultation!


Cresconova’s Learning Consultants have extensive background in gifted and elementary education and consulting and are a resource available to any parent of a Cresconova student.

We offer parent support:

  • Provide course suggestions
  • Create goals for learning and growth
  • Tailor resources to support your child’s needs
  • Act as main communication contact as your student begins courses

We will help you to better understand your child’s learning profile and common traits of giftedness:

  • Asynchronous development
  • Perfectionism
  • Intensities and Overexcitabilities
  • Peer and sibling relationships
  • Social Emotional Needs
  • Twice-Exceptional (2E) learners