Homeschool & Learning Consultant
Cresconova Lab’s offers students a more diverse school experience, our students range from traditional schooling to homeschooling, and some in-between. With Cresconova Lab’s help you will not have to navigate this alone as many families approach a less traditional educational journey with their child.
Cresconova Lab’s Personalized Learning Consultants have extensive background in education for children of all ages and our consulting services and are a resource available to any parent of a Cresconova Lab’s student.
We offer parent support:
- Provide course suggestions
- Create goals for learning and growth
- Tailor resources to support your child’s needs
- Act as main communication contact
as your student begins courses
Cresconova Lab’s can help you to better understand your child’s learning profile, and address their needs. Our understanding includes, and is not limited to:
- Asynchronous development
- Perfectionism
- Intensities and Overexcitabilities
- Peer and sibling relationships
- Social Emotional Needs
- Twice-Exceptional (2E) learners