Katie Kelly




What is the purpose of elementary education? This question is what drives my work at Cresconova, where we are looking to the future instead of the past to best personalize learning for each child. I believe in education that fosters the curiosity and joy in discovery that children innately possess.


USC Rossier School of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Cum Laude, Certificate in Gifted Education, 2013

Savannah College of Art & Design, B.F.A. in Photojournalism, Cum Laude, Dean’s List, Artistic Honors Scholarship, 2008

University of Colorado at Boulder, Sociology Major, Dean’s List, Georgia Scholarship, 2005



Conference Presentations

Innovative Learning Conference, The Nueva School

  • “Inspired Learning and the Future of Elementary Education,” 2023  
  • “Mathematical Provocations,” 2019
  •  Teacher Education Workshop, “The Subtraction Reversal Mystery,” 2017
  •  “Elements of Depth and Complexity,” 2015

California Association for Giftedness Conference

  •  Master Teacher Demonstration, “Instructional Strategies,” 2018
  •  “Multiple Entry Points and High Ceilings,” 2017
  •  “Depth and Complexity for Gifted Learners,” 2015

Giftedness Conference, The Nueva School

  •  “Scaffolding for 2E Learners” 2020
  •  “Politics of Gifted Education” 2019
    Georgia Educational Technology Conference, “QR Codes in Education,” 2011

SENG Annual Conference

  • "Inspired Learning for the Gifted Child," 2024

Conference Attendance and Curricular Training
  • Identifying Gifted Students of Color, 2019, 2020
  • Giftedness Conference, 2019, 2020
  • Anti-Bias Training, 2019
  • Innovative Learning Conference, 2015, 2017, 2019
  • California Association of Giftedness Conference, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
  • Danielson Group Framework Clusters, 2018
  • Junior Great Books, 2018
  • Equity & Inclusion Institute, 2018
  • Jo Boaler Stanford Math Conference, 2015
  • Design Thinking Institute, 2015
  • Structured Word Inquiry Seminar, 2014
  • Singapore Math Training, 2014
  • Social Emotional Learning Institute, 2014
  • Lucy Calkins, Writer’s Workshop Training, 2012


Educational Consulting and Homeschool Coordinator


Consulted with families of gifted children to provide parent resources, homeschool coordination, enrichment opportunities, and one-on-one support. Worked with schools to mentor teachers, lead admissions sessions, and research and development of a gifted consortium of schools in the U.S. Created and led professional development opportunities focused on gifted education.

Lead Teacher and Lower School Innovative Teacher Program (ITP) Coordinator


Kindergarten and 3rd Grade Teacher. Worked one-on-one with associate teachers to help build and refine pedagogy and to learn educational theory and best practices. Developed teacher training curriculum and workshops for the lower school Innovative Teacher Program. Other leadership roles including: Mastery Transcript Team, Global Online Academy Ambassador, One School Committee Faculty Representative, Leader of Summer Self-Study Strategic Planning, Leader in Pedagogy Exchange Program.

Giftedness Institute Co-Chair


Creating an institute focused on gifted education at Nueva in August 2019 and August 2020, including leading presentations and workshops for attendees. Presenting on relevant topics related to gifted education and leading discussions about best practices to differentiate and understand gifted students.


“People never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

I believe that students are competent and bring an incredible wealth of knowledge and experiences to the classroom. There is not one correct pathway to a solution and we should value and empower students to bring their own creative, unique views to the classroom. It is important to value and celebrate each child’s individual differences.I believe building and creating understanding through experiences is so much more powerful than someone telling you how to understand something. In order to develop this in the classroom, you need to be both present and responsive- able to listen to what the student say and adapt the learning path based on where the students want to go.Above all else, I believe that trust is a crucial part of the learning process. In order for students to be willing to take risks and be open to learn, there has to be a connection and they need to feel heard and understood. The quote above resonates with me and my beliefs around learning because students may not always remember each part of a lesson or class, but they will remember whether they felt valued.